The offset lithography

Monday, May 4, 2009

The offset lithography process works by first transferring an image photographically to thin metal, paper, or plastic printing plates. Unlike other forms of printing, in offset lithography the image on the printing plate is not recessed or raised. Rollers apply oil-based ink and water to the plates. Since oil and water don't mix, the oil-based ink won't adhere to the non-image areas. Only the inked image portion is then transferred to a rubber blanket (cylinder) that then transfers the image onto the paper as it passes between it and another cylinder beneath the paper. The term offset refers to the fact that the image isn't printed directly to the paper from the plates, but is offset or transferred to another surface that then makes contact with the paper.

Examples: Offset lithography is the most commonly used commercial printing process for the bulk of desktop publishing on paper. Offset lithography is used on both sheet-fed and web offset presses.


Digital Printing vs. Offset printing

The controversy on digital versus offset printing has been going on for a while now with no definite conclusion on which of the two technologies is better in absolute terms. Before digging deep into the issue let’s first know what is offset printing and digital printing and how each of the services differ.

Offset printing is a printing technique where images are offseted (transmitted) from a plate to a rubber blanket to the surface of an item by using ink and other chemicals. Offset printing is characterized by the high color quality but one major drawback for offset printing is the time it takes to produce the printed materials. In offset printing, the same design, layout, images and content is printed to all printed impressions.

Digital printing is an on demand printing technique where images can be directly transformed to the printing surface without the need for expensive plates, machines or chemicals. Digital Printing was a breakthrough in the printing industry due to the speed of production and ease of use. With the advancement in the printing technology, digital printing can produce the same high color quality as in offset printing.

Both offset printing and digital printing techniques have their supporters elaborating why business owners should use one technique over the other when engaged in implementing their direct mail marketing campaigns. Well, in my opinion, the nature of the direct mail marketing campaign and the marketing message you need to transmit to the client is the determinant factor on the decision in whether to use digital or offset printing.

If your direct mail marketing campaign is focused on delivering the same exact message to all recipients to a high volume of customers, then offset printing should be utilized.

But if your direct mail marketing campaign is focused on delivering a personal message to this customer, targeting certain needs of this client or creating a customized marketing campaign, then your best bet is digital printing. Digital variable printing delivers a quick, custom marketing message. Variable data printing enables you to print different marketing messages, variable pictures, and data fields. Digital variable print enables you to target specific categories.

Both digital printing and offset printing are considered to be cost effective, depending on the target and the nature of the direct mail marketing campaign. Offset printing is perfect economic solution if you plan to have mass printing marketing campaign .Eventually the costs will be reduced due to the huge number postcards or flyers. In the same manner, if you decide to have small mailings with a variable marketing campaign, digital printing is cost effective due to the on demand nature of the variable printing. You decide on the content to be printed, how targeted you want the mailing and the number of people to target. With digital printing, it would be key to adding a very specific targeted mailing list to your product, using the variables of income, age, home value, or other very specific information.

We at Postcard Pros understand the basis of success of any business and provide digital and variable data printing services to contribute to the on going success of our business partners. At Postcard Pros, we take the printing business seriously and we can take you to the next step in your one to one marketing efforts. We specialize in marketing materials: postcards, letters, flyers, brochures, invitations, books, booklets, posters – you name it, we can do it. Ink on paper, it is what we do. Don’t waste any time, give us a call at 1-877-492-9848 or email us at and let our professional team design, print and distribute your marketing materials at a highly competitive price. Your success is our success.


HP Inkjet Technology Delivers Dialysis

Hewlett Packard has licensed Home Dialysis Plus (HD+) to use HP’s inkjet technology to mix water and concentrated dialysate, a mixture of chemicals used to remove toxins and deliver electrolytes to blood in human body.

HP states mixing the solution helps filter toxins over a longer period, and HP’s smart memory-chip technology will secure the correct dialysate prescription is being delivered consistently to conduct dialysis while the patient is at sleep.

The deal between the two companies came out of HP’s intellectual-property licensing program, and HD+ expects to get its machine onto the market by the end of 2010.

HP says there are many technologies available for licensing that lend themselves well to the health and life-sciences industry, and the company will continue to look for opportunities within a variety of markets so that people can further benefit from HP inventions.


The Effect of Digital Printing on the Printing Industry

As much of an impact as digital printing has made in recent years it has not been a overnight success. The start for the sake of argument started with the Xerox Docutech and black toner to compete on the very low end of the print market. Because of that most printers did not view it as a threat. Thus a new business model was able to be established, quick printers or franchise printers saw dramatic growth early on. Although very reliable now, the machines were prone to problems early in the technology. The joke was that you bought a technician when you bought the early machines. They became more and more effective and those printers that did not adopt the technology saw there black and white business decline. Most successful printing companies either purchased a Docutech or gravitated towards more color printing which the Docutech did not do. This drove the printing business into more of a retail quick print location or a manufacturing custom job shop for more complicated jobs. Established printers as a whole had a hard time grasping that the lower quality of the toner based machines were acceptable for many jobs and certain customers and the turn time was much better digitally. The total number of printing companies increased during this time if you counted total # of printing establishments.

Then came color copiers, direct imaging presses and the digital press. These did away with the need for expensive plates and makeready time and waste. You sent the file directly to the machine and the first couple of copies were what you were going to get. Again at the very early stages the quality was very questionable and the machines were less than super dependable. Quantities ordered were lower than what commercial printers could get excited about and they could not grasp the lower quantity and lower cost opportunites and quick trun times that quick printers had really started to embrace. The quality continued to improve and the machines became more reliable. The number of retail or franchise printers increased and the number of independent quick printers and commercial printers started to dramatically decrease. There are of course exceptions to this generalization.

This is about the time that quality improved enough and commercial printers started grasping what was happening that they embraced this new found digital color. Now many commercial printers have both offset and digital machines and can service their customers no matter what quantities they need.

The business will change again. It always has and the successful printers are the ones that focus on their customers needs and balance that with making enough return to support a very capital intensive business.